connectDB(); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Bangkok'); $sql="select * from member where email='".$_POST['email']."' and status='1'"; $result = $db->mysqli->query($sql); if(isset($result->num_rows)&& !empty($result->num_rows)){ $row = $result->fetch_row(); $result->close(); //die(var_dump($row)); $email = $row[4]; $pass = $row[6]; $msg_table .= ' ID (Your e-mail) : '.$email.'
Password : '.$pass.'
'; $msg_table_footer = '
20 Moo 3, Rojana Industrial Park 2, Tambol Banchang,
U-Thai, Phra Nakhhon Si Ayutthaya 13210, Thailand
Tel : 0-3574-6860-5
Fax : 0-3574-6866-7
e-mai :

※ This is an auto-reply email. Please do not reply to this email.
To contact us, please use emails above.
'; $msg_head = '
Thank you for signing up with Kawamoto pump website.
Here is your ID and Password for the pump selector.
'; $body = ''.$msg_style . $msg_table.'';//.$msg_table_footer; $body_reply = ''.$msg_style ./*$msg_name.*/ $msg_head ./*.$msg*/ $msg_table . $msg_table_footer.''; $admin_email = ADM_EMAIL_SU;// class/sfunction.php $debug=false; $issendmail = ($debug)?false:true; if ($issendmail) { // SendMyMail($_POST['email'], $admin_email, "new sign up arrive", $body, '', 1); // sleep(3); SendMyMail($admin_email, $_POST['email'], "Password for Kawamoto pump website", $body_reply, ""); //reply email $text = '

Password has been sent to your mail.

'; //exit(); } else { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $body . '

' . $body_reply; echo $text = '

Password has sent to your mail.

'; /*echo '';*/ exit(0); exit(); } header("refresh:0;url=login.php"); die(); }else{//not found in record $text = '

Email '.$_POST['email'].' not found.

'; //$text .= $sql; } } ?> KAWAMOTO PUMP ASIA CO.,LTD. | Forgot Password

Bringing valuable "water" to you

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